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Vinilo Doble LP 12"

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Track List:

  1. Overture
  2. The Grid
  3. The Son Of Flynn
  4. Recognizer
  5. Armory
  6. Arena
  7. Rinzler
  8. The Game Has Changed
  9. Outlands
  10. Adagio For Tron
  11. Nocturne
  12. End Of Line
  13. Derezzed
  14. Fall
  15. Solar Sailer
  16. Rectifier
  17. Disc Wars
  18. C.L.U.
  19. Arrival
  20. Flynn Lives
  21. Tron Legacy (End Titles)
  22. Finale
  23. Sea of Simulation
  24. Encom Part 2
  25. Encom Part 1
  26. Round One
  27. Castor
  28. Reflections
  29. Sunrise Prelude

Daft Punk - Tron Legacy Soundtrack Ed. Especial Vinilo

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